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LaTeX Line and Page Breaking

The first thing LaTeX does when processing ordinary text is to translate your input file into a string of glyphs and spaces. To produce a printed document, this string must be broken into lines, and these lines must be broken into pages. In some environments, you do the line breaking yourself with the \\ command, but LaTeX usually does it for you. The available commands are
  • \\ start a new paragraph.
  • \\* start a new line but not a new paragraph.
  • \- OK to hyphenate a word here.
  • \cleardoublepage flush all material and start a new page, start new odd numbered page.
  • \clearpage flush all material and start a new page.
  • \hyphenation enter a sequence pf exceptional hyphenations.
  • \linebreak allow to break the line here.
  • \newline request a new line.
  • \newpage request a new page.
  • \nolinebreak no line break should happen here.
  • \nopagebreak no page break should happen here.
  • \pagebreak encourage page break.