CSC-234 Module Learning Objectives (MLOs)

Chapter 9

To describe objects and classes, and to use classes to model objects (§9.2).

To use UML graphical notations to describe classes and objects (§9.2).

To demonstrate defining classes and creating objects (§9.3).

To create objects using constructors (§9.4).

To access data fields and invoke functions using the object member access operator (.) (§9.5).

To separate a class definition from a class implementation (§9.6).

To prevent multiple inclusions of header files using the #ifndef inclusion guard directive (§9.7).

To know what inline functions in a class are (§9.8).

To declare private data fields with appropriate get and setter functions for data field encapsulation and make classes easy to maintain (§9.9).

To understand the scope of data fields (§9.10).

To apply class abstraction to develop software (§9.11).

Chapter 10

To process strings using the string class (§10.2).

To develop functions with object arguments (§10.3).

To store and process objects in arrays (§10.4).

To distinguish between instance and static variables and functions (§10.5).

To define constant functions to prevent data fields from being modified accidentally (§10.6).

To explore the differences between the procedural paradigm and object-oriented paradigm (§10.7).

To design a class for body mass index (§10.7).

To discover the relationships between classes (§10.8).

To design a class for a stack (§10.9).

To initialize objects using constructor initializer lists (§10.10).

To design classes that follow the class-design guidelines (§10.11).


Chapter 11

To describe what a pointer is (§11.1).

To learn how to declare a pointer and assign a memory address to it (§11.2).

To access values via pointers (§11.2).

To define synonymous types using the typedef keyword (§11.3).

To declare constant pointers and constant data (§11.4).

To explore the relationship between arrays and pointers (§11.5).

To access array elements using pointers (§11.6).

To pass pointer arguments to a function (§11.7).

To learn how to return a pointer from a function (§11.8).

To use the new operator to create dynamic arrays (§11.9).

To create objects dynamically and access objects via pointers (§11.10).

To reference the calling object using the this pointer (§11.11).

To implement the destructor for performing customized operations (§11.12).

To design a class for students registering courses (§11.13).

To create an object using the copy constructor that copies data from another object of the same type (§11.14).

To customize the copy constructor for performing a deep copy (§11.15).

Chapter 12


Chapter 13

To use ofstream for output (§13.2.1) and ifstream for input (§13.2.2).

To test whether a file exists (§13.2.3).

To test the end of a file (§13.2.4).

To let the user enter a filename (§13.2.5).

To write data in a desired format (§13.3).

To read and write data using the getline, get, and put functions (§13.4).

To use an fstream object to read and write data (§13.5).

To open a file with specified modes (§13.5).

To use the eof(), fail(), bad(), and good() functions to test stream states (§13.6).

To understand the difference between text I/O and binary I/O (§13.7).

To write binary data using the write function (§13.7.1).

To read binary data using the read function (§13.7.2).

To cast primitive type values and objects to byte arrays using the reinterpret_cast operator (§13.7).

To read/write arrays and objects (§§13.7.3–13.7.4).

To use the seekp and seekg functions to move the file pointers for random file access (§13.8).

To open a file for both input and output to update files (§13.9).

Chapter 14

To know operator overloading and its benefits (§14.2).

To define the Rational class for creating rational numbers (§14.2).

To discover how an operator can be overloaded in C++ using a function (§14.3).

To overload the relational operators (<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >) and arithmetic operators (+, −, *, /) (§14.3).

To overload the subscript operator [] (§14.4).

To overload the augmented assignment operators +=, −=, *=, and /= (§14.5).

To overload the unary operators + and − (§14.6).

To overload the prefix and postfix ++ and −− operators (§14.7).

To enable friend functions and friend classes to access a class’s private members (§14.8).

To overload the stream insertion and extraction operators << and >> as friend nonmember functions (§14.9).

To define operator functions to perform object conversions to a primitive type (§14.10.1).

To define appropriate constructors to perform conversions from a numeric value to an object type (§14.10.2).

To define nonmember functions to enable implicit type conversions (§14.11).

To define a new Rational class with overloaded operators (§14.12).

To overload the = operator to perform a deep copy (§14.13).

Chapter 15

To define a derived class from a base class through inheritance (§15.2).

To enable generic programming by passing objects of a derived type to a parameter of a base class type (§15.3).

To know how to invoke the base class’s constructors with arguments (§15.4.1).

To understand constructor and destructor chaining (§15.4.2).

To redefine functions in the derived class (§15.5).

To distinguish between redefining and overloading functions (§15.5).

To define generic functions using polymorphism (§15.6).

To enable dynamic binding using virtual functions (§15.7).

To distinguish between redefining and overriding functions (§15.7).

To distinguish between static matching and dynamic binding (§15.7).

To override virtual functions using the override keyword and use the final keyword to prevent further overriding (§15.8).

To access protected members of a base class from derived classes (§15.9).

To define abstract classes with pure virtual functions (§15.10).

To cast an object of a base class type to a derived type using the static_cast and dynamic_cast operators and know the differences between the two operators (§15.11).

Chapter 16

To get an overview of exceptions and exception handling (§16.2).

To know how to throw an exception and how to catch it and explore the advantages of using exception handling (§16.2).

To create exceptions using C++ standard exceptions classes (§16.3).

To define custom exception classes (§16.4).

To catch multiple exceptions (§16.5).

To explain how an exception is propagated (§16.6).

To rethrow exceptions in a catch block (§16.7).

To use exception handling appropriately (§16.8).


Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19


Chapter 20