CIS-115 Module Learning Objectives (MLOs)

Chapter 1


Hardware and Software

How Computers Store Data

How a Program Works

Using Python


Chapter 2

Designing a Program

Input, Processing, and Output

Displaying Output with the print Function



Reading Input from the Keyboard

Performing Calculations

More About Data Output

Named Constants


Chapter 3

The if Statement

The if-else Statement

Comparing Strings

Nested Decision Structures and the if-elif-else Statement

Logical Operators

Boolean Variables

Chapter 4

Introduction to Repetition Structures

The while Loop: A Condition-Controlled Loop

The for Loop: A Count-Controlled Loop

Calculating a Running Total


Input Validation Loops

Nested Loops

Chapter 5

Introduction to Functions

Defining and Calling a Void Function

Designing a Program to Use Functions

Local Variables

Passing Arguments to Functions

Global Variables and Global Constants

Introduction to Value-Returning

Functions: Generating Random Numbers

Writing Your Own Value-Returning Functions

The math Module

Storing Functions in Modules

Chapter 6

Introduction to File Input and Output

Using Loops to Process Files

Processing Records


Chapter 7


Introduction to Lists

List Slicing

Finding Items in Lists with the in Operator

List Methods and Useful Built-in Functions

Copying Lists

Processing Lists

Two-Dimensional Lists


Plotting List Data with the matplotlib Package

Chapter 8

Basic String Operations

String Slicing

Testing, Searching, and Manipulating Strings

Chapter 9



Serializing Objects

Chapter 10

Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming


Working with Instances

Techniques for Designing Classes

Chapter 11

Introduction to Inheritance


Chapter 12

Introduction to Recursion

Problem Solving with Recursion

Examples of Recursive Algorithms

Chapter 13

Graphical User Interfaces

Using the tkinter Module

Display Text with Label Widgets

Organizing Widgets with Frames

Button Widgets and Info Dialog Boxes

Getting Input with the Entry Widget

Using Labels as Output Fields

Radio Buttons and Check Buttons

Drawing Shapes with the Canvas Widget