1.   Filter a result


$ ls -ls | grep mkyong



c:\>dir | findstr mkyong

2.   Search a File

$grep mkyong test.txt
c:\>findstr mkyong test.txt

3.   Counting the number of matches

$grep -c mkyong test.txt
#Windows -Piped with find /c command.
c:\>findstr -N "mkyong" test.txt | find /c ":"

4.   Search a list of files

$grep mkyong -lr /path/folder
c:\>findstr /M mkyong c:\folder\*

5.   Help

$grep --help
$man grep
c:\>findstr -?

6.   Finds the line number and highlights it with green lettering on a pink background -A:DA

c:\>findstr -N -A:DA "mkyong" test.txt

7.   Finds the line number and highlights it with green lettering with default background -A:A

c:\>findstr -N -A:A "mkyong" test.txt
c:\> findstr -A:DA -N -C:"Enter a phone number to be translated:" "chapter 8 prog exercise.py"



