Python Notes

Page 2 of Python Notes Python 3 Documentation Concept Attainment Python and Math Book
Python Notes 1 Python 2 Documentation CA1  
Python Notes 2 Why is Python Slower on MAC Create EXE Controlling applications via sendkeys
Advanced Work in IDLE Stand Alone Exec using PyInstaller Python Colors Controlling applications via sendkeys_2
wxPython Good Tutorial Create Fav.ICO Python Canvas  
Regular Expression C:\Python36-32>pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole Idle Color Themes Python on Mac Chromebook and iPad
Python Online NSIS To Make Installable Python Apps Run Python from Notepad++  
Python Robotics Explanation of
if __name__=='__main__':
Format Types For Python Fix Python cmd line behavior

Intro to Blender and Python

Creating a Custom Menu in Blender with Python Scripting

Example of MultiClipboard Using Python

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When Python.msi wont install try

msiexec /i python-3.4.1.amd64.msi

In the directory where
python-3.4.1.amd64.msi is stored

Python CGI Tutorial
Good Python Book     GetPath
  Classes To Certify or not to Certify GetEnvironmentVariables
Asking Good Questions (to Receive Great Answers) An Introduction to Classes and Inheritance (in Python)    
  An Introduction to Classes and Inheritance MatLab Demo (Click 1st Video) Cool Google Link for Learning Python
Python_Web_Samples.html Dana Trejo- How to Develop a Simple Python Program Beck ISBN Videos Good Python Book Online
Trading with Python     How Popular is Python?

Which is better

x=x+1 or


The experts disagree

# If the user enters anything that is not alpha
# Invalid entry... is returned
# try entering 12345 for name or John2
# when you run the program
name=input("Enter your first name please: ")
while name =="" or not(name.isalpha()):
print("Invalid entry...")
name=input("Enter your first name please: ")

tutorialspoint [lists]

To get a full list of all builtins, you can run:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.builtin_module_names
vPython Demo
how-to-install-pip-on-windows pip install pywin32 gives you win32gui   Server Side Python Help

%s - String (or any object with a string representation, like numbers)

%d - Integers

%f - Floating point numbers

%.<number of digits>f - Floating point numbers with a fixed amount of digits to the right of the dot.

%x/%X - Integers in hex representation (lowercase/uppercase)

Math for Digital Age - Programming in Python



Math 4 Digital Age Worksheets

TestPack word zfill

Python Glossary

Python Glossary 2

A String Versus a Byte String     Python vs R
  This seven-week course focuses on the fundamentals of computer programming using the Python 3 interpreted programming language. Students will develop their problem-solving skills using the top-down procedural decomposition approach to build real-world based software applications. Pupils will also learn the basics of the software development lifecycle: planning, development, testing, implementation and maintenance. Assignments will include weekly homework and bi-weekly fundamental checkpoint quizzes, top-down approach programming projects within a capstone object-oriented data focused project. Learners will study how to build professional, user-friendly computer programs applicable to realworld applications in an IT-modeled environment. Walrus Operator

Q&A Guido van Rossum Inventor of Python

Guido van Rossum: The TRUE History Behind The Python Programming Language

The Story of Python by Its Creator Guido van Rossum