Created with TaskstreamTGAP-Elementary Ed-Student Teaching

value: 1.00

Needs Improvement
value: 2.00

value: 3.00

value: 4.00


1. Long-range planning with sequencing

There is no evidence of:
•daily, weekly or unit planning
•continuity across plans
•or long-term planning

Inconsistent or sporadic daily planning. No clear instructional and/or assessment goals or strategies. Weak unit planning.

Consistent planning of daily instructional goals, strategies and methods of assessment. Clear rationale for design and sequence of units.

Strong daily, weekly, and unit planning with continuity across units. Well-articulated rationale for sequencing with evidence of reflection and student performance in plan development.


2. Alignment with curriculum
(INTASC 1,7)

Evidence indicates instructional content is generally not aligned with local or state curriculum.

Instructional content is inconsistently aligned with curriculum. Plans do not indicate that curriculum is adequately covered. Key topics may be missing.

Instructional content is consistently aligned with local or state curriculum. Instructional goals are met.

Instructional content is consistently aligned with curriculum. Organizational planning tool was developed to ensure instructional goals are met. Priorities are set with manageable goals/objectives


3. Materials/
(INTASC 1, 4, 6)

Planning did not ensure that materials were ready and accessible prior to beginning of lesson. Teacher is usually not prepared for class.

Necessary instructional materials are often missing or not ready prior to beginning of lesson.

Teacher is prepared for class with all necessary materials and equipment readily accessible.

Advance planning ensures that lessons move smoothly. Materials and equipment are prepared ahead of class with well-organized system for managing them.


4. Context of the lesson
(INTASC 1, 7)

Context of lesson is not set. Instructional goals/objectives are not stated. Directions and purpose unclear.

Context may be set, but expectations for learning are unclear. Instructional goals/objectives are confusing or unrelated to lesson's activities.

Context set with reference to prior knowledge. Expectations are clearly stated. Instruction is purposeful.

Context is set in creative way that engages students.


5. Content knowledge; presentation

Consistently makes content errors and does not correct student errors. Makes no effort to upgrade content knowledge. Does not fully explain concepts or follow up on student questions.

Displays some errors or lack of depth in content, but makes some attempt to upgrade content knowledge. Attempts are made to explain content, but with little follow-up to student questions.

Displays solid content knowledge and can clearly explain relevancy of material to students. Explanations are clearly stated. Student questions are followed up.

Displays extensive content knowledge with evidence of pursuit of additional knowledge. Models enthusiasm for content and provides relevant experiences to motivate students. Presentations are creative and flexible, ensuring that all students understand before moving on.


6.Appropriateness of lesson; pacing
(INTASC 4, 7)

Pacing is usually too slow, rushed, or both with inappropriate use of instructional time. Students avoid work. Most activities are not developmentally appropriate.

Pacing is inconsistent. Opportunities for student engagement are limited with inconsistently appropriate use of instructional time. Frequent off-task behaviors are observed. Activities are not always developmentally appropriate.

Pacing offers opportunities for active student engagement with appropriate use of instructional time. Activities always reflect developmentally appropriate practices.

All students are actively engaged in variety of meaningful ways with maximum use of instructional time. Activities are based on developmentally appropriate practices that challenge without overwhelming students. Activities consistently build on prior student knowledge.


7. Use of technology
(INTASC 4, 6)

Little or no use of available technology and/or other resources

Limited or inappropriate use of available technology and/or other resources

Consistent use of available technology and other resources when appropriate to objectives

Consistently expands use of available technology and other resources. Creates tasks to further student expertise.


8. Effectiveness of instructional strategies
(INTASC 1, 2, 3, 4)

Limited knowledge and use of instructional strategies

Displays some knowledge, but inconsistent use of instructional strategies determined by student need. Whole class instruction or individual seatwork is the norm.

Evidence of knowledge and consistent use of variety of instructional strategies with use of small groups, individualized instruction, and accommodations for special needs students

Selects and creates wide range of instructional strategies that address learning styles and individual needs of all students with emphasis on creativity


9. Strategies for under-achieving students

No evidence of implementing specific strategies to raise performance level of under-achieving students

Inconsistent in implementing specific strategies to raise performance level of under-achieving students

Implements specific strategies to raise performance level of under-achieving students

Knows each student as individual learner and uses knowledge to adapt strategies and resources to raise performance levels of under-achieving students


10. Questioning techniques

Techniques generally focus on student recall with no opportunity to assess student understanding or encourage higher level thinking skills. Questions are primarily fact-oriented.

Techniques are inconsistent in opportunity to assess student understanding or encourage higher level thinking skills. Most questions focus on low level content with little or no follow-up.

Techniques consistently provide opportunity to assess most students' understanding and encourage higher level thinking skills. Students are encouraged to ask questions.

Techniques are structured to assess student understanding and encourage higher level thinking skills. Students are guided through questions to construct their own meaning. Student discussion is encouraged.


11. Analysis of student assessment results
(INTASC 2, 8)

Results are not used to affect instructional planning. Does not adjust instruction or plan intervention based on analyses of student assessment.

Has difficulty analyzing student assessment results to guide instructional planning and intervention strategies

Demonstrates proficiency in analyzing student assessment results in order to adjust instruction or plan intervention strategies

Demonstrates exceptional skill in analyzing student assessment results on a regular basis. Demonstrates skill in designing assessment strategies for diagnostic and formative purposes.


12. Meaningful student work assignments

Little meaningful student engagement in assessment activities and/or assignments. Little or no effort made to vary assessments or assignments to reflect desired goals and/or objectives

Inconsistent engagement of students in assessment activities and/or assignments. Inconsistent effort to vary assessments or assignments to reflect desired goals and/or objectives

Evidence of consistently meaningful engagement of students in activities and/or assignments. Consistent effort to vary assessments and assignments to reflect desired goals and/or objectives

Evidence of consistently meaningful engagement of students in purposeful activities and/or assignments. Uses wide range of formal and informal assessments that allow systematic monitoring of student progress.


13. Quality of feedback to students

Written and/or verbal feedback is limited to assignment of grades or correctness of response. No direction provided for improvement in performance

Written and/or verbal feedback is minimal. Feedback does not adequately address individual student strengths or weaknesses. Re-direction is inconsistent or limited.

Written and verbal feedback is appropriate and consistently addresses individual student strengths and weaknesses. Feedback provides good idea of how students can improve.

Written and verbal feedback consistently addresses individual student strengths and weaknesses and encourages student self-reflection. Feedback is fair and demonstrates high expectations for all students.


Student Motivation & Management
14. Expectations/
Procedures (INTASC 5)

Non-existent or non-enforced explicit expectations and procedures for classroom and school safety. Lack of control of the classroom.

Inconsistent enforcement of explicit expectations and procedures for classroom and school safety. Significant difficulties managing student behavior. Frequent disruption of instructional time.

Clearly communicated and understood expectations and procedures for classroom and school safety. Generally successful classroom management of student behavior. Rare disruptions by student behavior.

Clearly communicated and understood expectations and procedures for classroom and school safety. Students take ownership of their behavior and learning. Disruption by student behavior is prevented by prior intervention and knowledge of students.


Student Motivation & Management
15. Expectations for student success (INTASC 2, 3, 5)

Low expectations for student performance. No efforts to recognize student success.

Moderate expectations for student achievement for some students. Inconsistently uses motivational techniques for some students. No efforts to go beyond those of colleagues or school to recognize student success.

High expectations for student achievement. Consistently uses motivational techniques for all students. Initiates efforts to recognize student success within the classroom.

High expectations for achievement for all students. Creates a learning environment that best facilitates the learning and development of students. Recognizes student success. Encourages students to respect individual and group differences.


Student Motivation & Management
16. Student interest and participation (INTASC 3, 5)

Student interest and participation is generally low. Little or no meaningful engagement of students in learning.

Inconsistent student interest and participation. Inconsistent engagement of students in meaningful learning experiences.

Consistently high student interest and participation. Consistent engagement of students in meaningful learning experiences.

Consistently high student interest and participation. Consistent engagement of students in meaningful learning experiences with high relevancy to student interests.


Student Motivation & Management
17. Classroom climate (INTASC 3, 5)

General negative classroom climate. Lack of mutual respect in student/teacher interactions.

Classroom climate is not supportive of learning for all students. Attention is distributed inequitably. Evidence of insensitivity to some students' needs.

Classroom environment is supportive of learning of all students. Teacher demonstrates sensitivity to all students. Interactions between students and teacher demonstrate mutual respect.

Classroom has a consistently supportive, student-centered climate. Students are able to take risks. Students are encouraged to openly share ideas and examine mistakes. Interactions between students and teacher are always mutually respectful.


Teacher Impact
18. Student progress toward goals (INTASC 7)

Cannot demonstrate that there has been significant student progress toward accomplishment of classroom or school goals.

Inconsistent student progress of most students toward accomplishment of goals.

Consistent student progress of most students toward school and individual goals.

Significant student growth in a variety of ways related to school and individual goals. Teacher is able to reflect on and analyze strategies to promote growth.


Teacher Impact
19. Contribution to school climate (INTASC 3, 5, 7, 9, 10)

General lack of involvement in school-wide activities (i.e.,committees, programs, student activities, etc).

Inconsistent involvement in school-wide activities (i.e.,committees, programs, student activities, etc).

Consistent involvement in school-wide activities (i.e.,committees, programs, student activities, etc). demonstrating a positive contribution to the overall school climate.

Consistent involvement as a leader in school-wide activities (i.e.,committees, programs, student activities, etc). demonstrating a significant contribution to the overall school climate.


Professional Growth and Contributions 20. Alignment of professional development (INTASC 1, 9)

No effort to engage in professional development. Teacher requires constant reminders.

Minimal professional development. Little or no evidence that teacher seeks to improve professional practice or knowledge.

Seeks out opportunities for professional development aligned with school goals and teaching assignment. Teacher can reflect on areas of new knowledge or skills.

Seeks out opportunities for professional growth aligned with school goals. Initiates activities important to collegial growth (i.e., engaging in professional presentations, mentoring other teachers, conducting action research).


Professional Growth and Contributions 21. Interaction with parents (INTASC 3, 8, 10)

No effort to interact with parents other than required written reports. Comments to parents are generic and non-specific to student progress.

Inconsistent interaction with parents. Most interactions concern student behavior problems or grades with little or no follow-up. No invitation to parents to become involved in decisions concerning student learning.

Interaction with parents is consistently of high professional quality. Concerns are addressed in a timely and positive manner. Consistent follow-up of parent contact. Teacher regularly invites parental involvement in student learning.

Interaction with parents is frequent and highly professional. Frequently involves parents in support of student learning, creating opportunities for positive relationships with families. Parents are informed regularly of student successes.


Professional Growth and Contributions 22. Teacher's records (INTASC 8)

Records and reports are in disorder resulting in frequent errors and/or delays.

Records and reports are inconsistent in quality and/or timeliness.

Records are consistently accurate and timely.

Records are always of high quality with exemplary accuracy and timeliness.